So over the weekend I [presumably] melted yet another iMac hard drive by playing MTGO on Parallels.
This is possibly meaningless to you if you don’t own a Mac. Basically I slowed down / stopped making Magic videos about a year ago on account of it being cumbersome from a hardware standpoint. My wife, irate at the steaming slag heap that was once a glorious centerpiece of computing entertainment, instructed that I “get a PC and only play the Magic on it” … We are essentially a Mac household but I think it is no stretch at this point to say MTGO plays better on a PC than a Mac.
So I got this new laptop that I am reasonably happy with, and I decided to start taping MTGO videos again!
My Star City fans will be so happy!
Long story short, I was a bit out of step in terms of audio and video on these vids, and didn’t realize until after I had “produced” like eight of them. Totally unsuitable for professional distribution, and way too much work for me to fix on the Mac (or force on Jesse Snyder or Jeremy Noell). So… In a fight between “sending the videos to the graveyard” or “throwing them up on YouTube so at least some of my good people will enjoy them” the latter prevailed.
So please take the next four or so blog posts in that light. In some wise these would have been good enough, I hope, but I am certainly not presenting them as such here and now, today.
Fair warning, a fair amount of these vids is just going to be out-of-sync voice-over of YT and a disembodied Hypercam dialog. To wit:

Big takeaways:
- There will be at least four uncharacteristically content-rich blog updates here on FiveWithFlores and the FiveWithFlores YouTube page this week.
- They will all be about Naya Pod.
- I actually made an even clever-er deck that I am going to do an article on for Flores Friday.
- There will be videos on the aforementioned deck-I-like-more-than-Naya-Pod circa Flores Friday or next Monday (Lauren’s pick / I guess it depends how fast I get them to her)
Today’s videos have this fellow featured quite prominently:
Hold on a sec… Is Zealous Conscripts a chick?
Game One, versus U/W Control
In which Zealous Conscripts struts her shenanigans all over Consecrated Sphinx.
Game Two, versus U/W Control
In which we encounter the hardest working Cavern of Souls in the history of Dominaria; and a U/W Venser, the Sojourner player learns who exactly has inevitability. Spoilers!
Hope you enjoyed these, again, for what they are.
Zealous Conscripts in… Naya Pod!…
Your story has been summoned to the battlefield – Trackback from MTGBattlefield…
[…] not every subscriber and follower loved the videos I posted last week; certainly they were not my best work, but that was the point — they […]
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