Well BDM was off at the World Championships last weekend so I did a fill-in podcast with the incomparable Innovator Patrick Chapin over on ManaDeprived.
The only problem is… For the second consecutive week, we got Kalonian Hydra for our banner! Boo-urns!
On the bright side, KYT and company replaced the Top 8 Magic entrance music with a piece pilfered from the princess of pottymouthed chick rockers, Liz Phair. Yay! As such, here might have been a possible awesome banner:

Okay, maybe that doesn’t scream “Magic: The Gathering” or even [accurately] that Brian David-Marshall is on this podcast.
How about this one, thematic of NLDB and Patrick’s guest appearance?

Yeah, yeah… Not quite as beautiful as the cover design on NLDB… But I tried! (not very hard) Fine. You want to see “didn’t try very hard”?

So… No. Gotcha.
How about the classics then?

Or bringing back to NLDB (stole this image from NLDB in part, in fact), and the whole “me and Patrick talking on the phone” aspect?

Hold up, did you just say you did a new podcast, and that it was guest-starring Patrick Chapin?
Whatever dude. Carry on. No one cares about Kalonian Hydra re-run banners or intro music. I’ll be over on ManaDeprived listening to Deck Building and Life with Patrick Chapin thank you very much.
Um… Sweet?
Subscribe to the Top8Magic Podcast (usually starring Brian David-Marshall)

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