The Champ (aka Coimbra)
Antoine Ruel (the card, not the Pro Tour winner)
… and Dragonmaster Outcast!
Well, if the Champ says so…

So here comes the first of Five’s Worldwake card chatty chatties. And it’s a big one… in a little package. If you want to read — or actually listen to — more Worldwake chats from me (and @top8games, and @sloppystack) give this a listen: Worldwake Preview, Part 5. That is one of several parts of a Podcast that BDM, WillPop, and I ran this week over at Top 8 Magic. Good stuff, as ever.
So what about Dragonmaster Outcast?
This card seems pretty good.
As Coimbra says, it is a monster if you go and get it with Ranger of Eos. The question is whether — as a singleton or a redundant threat — it is superior to Scute Mob.
The advantage to Dragonmaster Outcast is that many 5/5 flying creatures over many turns are more powerful than a single, increasingly powerful (but non-evasive) Vampire Hexmage victim-to-be.
The advantage to Scute Mob is that it is a much faster threat. As soon as you hit your mana threshold, Scute Mob can start to battle, whereas there is a full additional turn in between the appearance of your first Dragon and the first attack that you get out of it.
Another possibility is that you just play a whole bunch of these little guys. When initially testing Naya Lightsaber, I often lusted for a second copy of that bullet.
Where Can I See This Fitting In?
Beyond the obvious Naya / Ranger of Eos action, another option would be a regular old one drop in a Red Deck. Is it as offensive as Goblin Guide? Not on the first turn, certainly. However, Red Decks have never needed great — or even very good — creatures to excel. This Mons Goblin Raiders can get some pro-action under its belt, and really pan out later in the game (should it go long). In particular, Dragonmaster Outcast is almost necessarily synergistic in a Red Deck with Valakut in Standard.
Snap Judgment Rating: Role Player – High *
* Was obv kidding with that Flagship comment on Top 8 🙂
Seems like a great finisher in U/R control. Control the board, play this guy and still be able counter the removal.
If this card is necessarily synergistic with Valakramp, would you say that Scute Mob is as well? Clearly, if a couple turns go by this guy is more difficult to deal with (more removal necessary) but is that enough to differentiate?
Yea it does seem to fit in a control deck. I would like to know the modifications you (Mike Flores) would make to your sorin-cruel deck when the full worldwake comes out. The new Jace and treasure hunt seem to fit better than divination 🙂
I don’t think I would default to playing it in a control deck. I feel like 1/1 creatures are probably hard to protect. He gets a lot more value as a curve creature, incremental Ranger threat, or post-exhaustion / attrition threat. At least that’s my gut.
I think it is different due specifically to the MOUNTAINS requirement. Scute Mob doesn’t get the automatic nod there whereas this card, along with Valakut, can give straight Red beatdown decks a different, but still somewhat consistent, route.
I think I would play 4 Treasure Hunt and 2 Divination, cutting 2 Into the Roil; I love the new Jace but I see that as sideboard in this particular deck. But testing might prove me wrong!
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