Reflecting Pool Control

This one is kind of like a Who’s the Beatdown? redux.

It wasn’t really intended that way… The first part especially is about the Reflecting Pool Control deck Mike McGee used to make Top 8 of the Star City Games $5,000 event. But game play gave us a rare opportunity to observe the control deck switching roles.

I guess it all came down to turn one, where the opposing beatdown deck played Ghitu Encampment. Because I was on the play, this let me Remove Soul his first play and buy a ferocious amount of time.

Then it was Kitchen Finks, Kitchen Finks against an opponent with no creature set up to block.

Normally a deck like Red Deck Wins or Blightning Beatdown is a challenge for Reflecting Pool Control. However instead of playing a sit-there attack-acceptance strategy where we would win (hopefully) after a lifetime of draw-go Magic, I saw multiple Finks as an opportunity to attack.

A lot of the readership (viewership?) has been asking for full matches. So we will probably be following this one up with Game Two… and why we didn’t side in something that would seem obvious to most of you.

Until then… Don’t get played.


P.S. Oy! Mike’s deck list:

2 Island
3 Remove Soul
4 Wrath of God
3 Condemn
2 Cascade Bluffs
2 Flooded Grove
2 Cloudthresher
4 Cryptic Command
3 Jace Beleren
2 Mulldrifter
4 Vivid Creek
3 Vivid Grove
1 Vivid Marsh
4 Vivid Meadow
1 Negate
2 Ajani Vengeant
2 Cruel Ultimatum
4 Esper Charm
4 Kitchen Finks
2 Mystic Gate
2 Sunken Ruins
4 Reflecting Pool

1 Glen Elendra Archmage
2 Primal Command
3 Chameleon Colossus
3 Negate
3 Jund Charm
3 Runed Halo

facebook comments:


#1 wobblesthegoose on 12.09.08 at 11:45 pm

Interesting commentary on cruel ultimatum. After playing it up as the best card in the deck, you proceed to play a game were you didn’t actually need it to win at all. You just attack with the finks and they almost certainly can’t win. Will the next installment feature you weighing in more on the epic cruel ultimatum or no debate?

#2 Slio9 on 12.10.08 at 12:04 am

Interesting take on the Reflecting Pool control list Mike has there. Planeswalkers are a threat that are incredibly powerful and hard for control to deal with. That 2x Mulldrifter is painful to see, but it must be working out, with Jace backing you, that shouldn’t be too much of a problem.

#3 enzoreal on 12.11.08 at 9:35 am

hey mike, which program you use to shoot the matches in your pc?

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